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<br />City of Hastings <br />Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />Parks & Recreation Conference Room <br />May 11, 2010 – 6:00 pm <br /> <br />1) Roll Call at 6 pm: Commissioners Flaten, Miller, Garrett, Vandehoef, Schommer, Rohloff, and Smith, Parks & <br />Recreation Director Bernstein, Maintenance Supervisor Likes <br />April Minutes: <br />2) <br />A correction was made to the April minutes under item #17, Open Mike. Jim Olson from Raider Nation was in <br />attendance, not Joe Larson. <br />Motion to approve minutes with correction by Commissioner Miller. Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed <br />unanimously. <br />Setting Agenda: <br />3) Miller would like to move item #8 to top of the agenda. Commissioner Rohloff requested to add <br />“Vets Baseball Complex” to Old Business and “Site of PRC Meeting” to New Business. <br />Welcome New Commissioner: <br />4) The PRC welcomed a new commissioner, Jennifer Garrett, to her first meeting. <br />Introductions were given around the table. <br />HHB Training Center: <br />5) Staff had a brief meeting with the HHB about a training facility that is proposed to be housed <br />on some property adjacent to the Civic Arena. Mark Chorney, Dustin Vogelgesang, and Russ Welch were present to <br />make the presentation. Presentation was given on Hastings Hockey Boosters program and desire to construct a dryland <br />training facility. Have seen a drop-off in performance in Hastings statewide. They feel one reason is that we are lacking <br />a place for athletes to train off the ice. Director Bernstein mentioned that HHB had come to us a few years ago about a <br />facility in the mezzanine of the Arena. Although helpful, the facility has proven to be too small. The number of <br />participants in the program stays fairly steady at around 500-600 kids. Showed the PRC some preliminary drawings and <br />ideas. The facility would be built and paid for by HHB and then City owned. Located behind East rink at the Arena. The <br />Arena manager, Sliv McGree, has been involved in choosing the proposed site location. There would be some type of <br />synthetic ice in the facility and it would be approximately 3,000-4,000 square feet. Anticipated budget is $400-500k, <br />depending on how fundraising efforts go. HHB is requesting approval to construct facility from the City. All funding <br />would be raised privately. High School ice time rental is slightly higher to cover maintenance of locker rooms. They <br />would envision the maintenance to this facility being handled in a similar manner. <br />Director Bernstein mentioned the energy efficiency at Arena with the current single door entry system. Wondering if <br />there is any way to put this facility closer to the front entrance and then have a vestibule going into each facility. This <br />was looked at, but would raise costs significantly (almost double.) Also, would lose some handicapped parking in the <br />front. A desire to use the current outdoor rink could more in the summer for various activities was mentioned. The City <br />had to put 2-3 inches of sand on the pavement in the rink in order to make good ice, due to epoxy surface for inline <br />skating. The epoxy paint would have to be sandblasted in order to get it off. <br />The proposed facility would be open year round. This facility could be rented out to other groups when not in use by <br />Hastings Hockey. The facility would primarily impact the Parks & Recreation budget in capital expenditures when <br />things start wearing out – plumbing, lighting, etc. There are facility costs like cleaning supplies, paper products, etc. The <br />division of expenses would need more discussion. The HHB would prefer to be at the Arena as opposed to using <br />another warehouse/facility in town. Bernstein mentioned the long-term capital costs are more of a concern to him than <br />the day-to-day operating costs. <br />Commissioner Rohloff questioned if there would be enough room to put the facility on the east side of the road/south <br />end of rink and eventually add a new warming shack onto it. It might be a tight fit or have grading issues, but it is worth <br />a look. If you put it on the south end of the rink, it would get hit with pucks. Would need to extend the fencing, etc. <br />Commissioner Smith asked about the length of time for the fundraising campaign. HHB would like to have it up and <br />ready to go by this winter. They are planning to speak with other communities to see if they would be interested in <br />renting the facility during down time. Bernstein asked the HHB what the general feeling would be if the City raised the <br />ice rental cost to cover maintenance. A small increase would be tolerable, but a larger increase would be difficult. <br />Commissioner Smith asked how many comparable suburban communities around this area have a facility like this. <br />There are comparable facilities, but not many are city owned. There are some private facilities and also some retrofit <br />facilities in arenas. Probably the closest are Hudson, Burnsville, Apple Valley. HHB feels that eventually most <br /> <br />