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<br />2003 Minnesota City Summary Budget Statement for Publication <br /> <br />The purpose ofthis report is to provide summary 2003 budget information concerning the City of Hastings to interested <br />citizens. The budget is published in accordance with Minn. Stat. Sec. 471.6965. This budget is not complete; the <br />complete budget may be examined at The City of Hastings, 101 4th Street East, Hastings. The City Council approved <br />this budget on December 2, 2002. <br /> <br />2003 Budget <br />Budget Govemmental Funds <br />Revenues: <br />T_ <br />Special Assessments <br />Licenses and Permits <br />Intergovernmental Revenues <br />Federal <br />Stale <br />County/Other Local Units <br />Charges for Services <br />Fines and Forfeits <br />Interest on Investments <br />Miscellaneous Revenues <br />Total Revenues <br /> <br />2001 Actual <br /> <br />$ 5,025.392 <br />1,312,444 <br />726.539 <br /> <br />30,186 <br />2,953,417 <br />30,073 <br />2,363,224 <br />118.687 <br />754,704 <br />1,055,542 <br />$14,370,208 <br /> <br />Expenditures: <br />Current: <br />General Government <br />Public Safety <br />Streets and Highways <br />Sanitation <br />Culture and Recreation <br />Urban/Econ. Dav. & Housing <br />Miscellaneous <br />Debt Service Principal <br />Interest & Fiscal Charges <br />Capital Outlay <br />Total Expenditures <br />Excess (deficiency) of Revenues <br />Over (under) Expenditures <br /> <br />$ 1,353,630 <br />3,856,278 <br />1,339,082 <br />49,998 <br />1,443,227 <br />88,310 <br />318,367 <br />4,649,717 <br />758,237 <br />3,400,213 <br />$17,257,059 <br /> <br /> <br />$(2,886,851) <br /> <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Bond Proceeds <br />OperalingTransfersln <br />Operating Transfers Out <br />Total Other Fin. Sources (Uses) <br />Excess of Revenues & Other Financing Sources <br />over Expenditures & Other Uses <br />Property Tax Levy Requirement <br />to Fund this Budget <br /> <br />$ 430,000 <br />405,000 <br />(390,015) <br />14,985 <br /> <br />(2,871,866) <br /> <br />$5,012,646 <br /> <br />Enterprise Funds 2003 Adopted Budget <br /> <br />Sales & Costs of Sales Water Sewer <br />Operating Revenues <br />Charges for services $1,395,000 $1,460,000 <br />Tolal Gross Prott" <br />Operating Revenues $1,395,000 $1,460,000 <br /> <br />Operattng Expenses <br />Personal Services <br />Other Svcs. & Charges <br />Supplies <br />Totsl Opet', Expenses <br />Operating Income(Lass) <br /> <br />$423.689 <br />330,693 <br />115,250 <br />$869,632 <br />$525,368 <br /> <br />$252,561 <br />931,906 <br />6,150 <br />$1,190,617 <br />$269,383 <br /> <br />Non-Operating R8venues(Expenses) <br />Interest Eamings <br />Interest & Fiscal Chrgs. <br />Miscellaneous <br />Totsl Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) <br />Income (loss) Belore Operating Transfers <br />Operating Transfers In (Out) <br />Net Income (loss) <br /> <br />$52.000 <br />75,Q88 <br />50.000 <br />$26,912 <br />552,280 <br />o <br />$552:280 <br /> <br />$98,000 <br />-0- <br />-0. <br />198.000 <br />367,383 <br />o <br />_,383 <br /> <br />Transit <br /> <br />$55,000 <br />$55.000 <br /> <br />$222,960 <br />30,960 <br />12,485 <br />$266,425 <br />$(211,425) <br /> <br />$10,000 <br />-0. <br />212,445 <br />$222,445 <br />11,020 <br />o <br />$11,020 <br /> <br />2002 Budget <br /> <br />$ 6,720,728 <br />780,000 <br />447,760 <br /> <br />41,000 <br />2,035,374 <br />31,500 <br />1,866,633 <br />83,000 <br />287,150 <br />23,267 <br />$12,316,412 <br /> <br />2003 Adopted <br /> <br />$ 6,740,927 <br />303,000 <br />514,400 <br /> <br />2,584,037 <br />15,000 <br />1,910,452 <br />114,007 <br />403,125 <br />66,317 <br />$12,651,265 <br /> <br />$ 1,486,013 $ 1,428,055 <br /> 4,134,441 4,317,865 <br /> 1,539,632 1,589,974 <br /> 56,853 59,480 <br /> 1,517,093 1,579,051 <br /> 145,119 28,011 <br /> 368,000 346,000 <br /> 1,760,000 1,415,000 <br /> 1,096,672 705,766 <br /> 2,657,146 2,175,574 <br />$14,760,969 $13,644,776 <br />$(2,444,557) $(993,511 ) <br /> $135,705 <br /> 327,046 29,459 <br /> (75,000) (69,900) <br /> 682,046 95,264 <br /> (1,762,511) (898,247) <br />$6,541,228 $6,531,927 <br /> <br />Hydro 2003 Budget 2002 Budget <br />$1,189,500 $4,099,500 $3,071,000.00 <br />$1,189,500 $4,099,500 $3,071,000 <br /> <br />$121,920 <br />232.,757 <br />4,400 <br />$359,077 <br />$830,423 <br /> <br />$59,000 <br />(964,204) <br />-0- <br />$(905,204) <br />(74,781) <br />o <br />$(74,781) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />$1,021,150 <br />1,526,316 <br />138,285 <br />$2,685,751 <br />$1,413,749 <br /> <br />$957,212 <br />1,666,150 <br />127,985 <br />$2,751,347 <br />$319,653 <br /> <br />$219,000 <br />(1,039,292) <br />262,445 <br />$(557,847) <br />855,902 <br />o <br />$855,902 <br /> <br />$125,000 <br />(532,950) <br />230,000 <br />$(177,950) <br />141,703 <br />o <br />$141,703 <br /> <br />City Receives <br />Financial Award of <br />Recognition <br /> <br />The Certificate of <br />Achievement for <br />Excellence in Financial <br />Reporting has been <br />awarded to the City of <br />Hastings by the <br />Government Finance <br />Officers Association of the <br />United States and Canada <br />(GFOA) for its <br />Comprehensive Annual <br />Financial Report (CAFR). <br />The Certificate of <br />Achievement is the highest <br />form of recognition in the <br />area of governmental <br />accounting and financial <br />reporting, and its <br />attainment represents a <br />significant <br />accomplishment by the <br />government and its <br />management. <br /> <br />This is the 6th consecutive <br />year that the Hastings <br />Finance Department has <br />received this award. The <br />City's CAFR is available <br />for review at the Pleasant <br />Hill County Library, 1490 <br />South Frontage Road, <br />Hastings. <br />