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Page <br />November 20, 1995 <br />Moved by Councilmember Johnson, seconded by 1ST READING-AMEND <br />Councilmember Warner to approve the 1 st Reading of an Ordinance to C A T R SEC. 4,01 <br />mend City Charter Section 4.01, regarding Emergency Council <br />Meetings, by changing when an emergency Council meeting can be <br />called. 7 Ayes; lays, lore. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by S. loo. 107 -95 WARD <br />Councilmember Simacek to adopt Resolution No. 107 -95 which 1 VA ANCY <br />declares a vacancy in the Ward 1 Council seat upon the resipation. of <br />Councilmember Kent Warner. 7 Ayes; lays, None. Copy of <br />resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by R S, NO. 108-95 FOUR <br />Councilmember Riveness to adopt Resolution No. 108-95 designating GAMBLING SITES <br />the number of locations where local organizations can conduct lam A L AI <br />gambling within the City of Hastings to four sites. 7 Ayes; lays, <br />None. Copy of resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by RECREATIONAL <br />AL <br />Councilmember Riveness to table any action on recreation vehicle VE ICLL STORAGE <br />equipment storage and refer it to the Planning Committee of the City <br />Council which consists of Cou.ncilmembers Mike Simace ,, Janice <br />Johnson and the appointed representative from Ward 1. This <br />Conuuittee is to report back the City Council by January 31, 1996 <br />with their reconnnendations. 7 Ayes; Nays, None. <br />Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by ASST. FIRE CHIEF <br />Councilmember Simacek to accept the resignation, of Assistant Fire RESIGNATION <br />Chief Rick Kl.eis effective December ber 12, 1995 and to thank him for his <br />services to the City of Hastings. This motion includes referring the <br />process of filling this vacancy to the Public Safety Committee of the <br />City Council, along with City Administrator Dave Osberg and Fire <br />Chief for Latch and report back to the City Council. 7 Ayes; Nays, <br />None. <br />Moved by Councilmember Sima el , seconded by RES. NO, 109 -95 ADOPT <br />T <br />Cou.noihnember Moratzka to adopt Resolution loo. 109 -95 adopting 1996 CITY TAX LEVY <br />the City of Hastings 1996 Property Tax Levy. 7 Ayes; Nays, None. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councilmember Warner, seconded by RES. No, 110-95 ADOPT <br />Councilmember Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 110 -95 adopting the 1996 CITY BUDGET <br />1996 City of Hastings Budget. 7 Ayes; Nays, None. Copy of <br />resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by RES. lo. 111 - 951996 <br />Counciln ember Moratzka to adopt Resolution No. 111-95 of the City BRA SPECL4LL LEVY <br />of Hastings approving the 1996 HRA Special Levy. 7 Ayes; Nays, <br />None. Copy of resolution on file. <br />Moved by Councilmember Simacel , seconded by ADJOURN To CLOSET <br />Councilmember Moratzka to adjourn to a closed door session DOOR SESSION <br />regarding the Fearing Lawsuit at 7:58 p.m. 7 Ayes; lays, lone. <br />