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<br />Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 7, 2005 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />15. 2004 Year End Advance and 2005 Operating transfers <br />16. Approve 2005 Budget Adjustments <br />17. Accept Quote and Authorize Purchase of Pick-Up Truck <br />18. Accept Quote and Authorize Purchase of Dump Truck <br />19. Resolution-Supporting and Participating in the Dakota County Traffic Safety <br />Project <br />Copies of resolutions on file. <br /> <br />Public Hearing-Modification of the Hastings Downtown Area Redevelopment <br />Plan and Establishment of Tax Increment District #4 <br />HRA Director Grossman and Jessica Cook of Ehlers Associates provided a brief <br />presentation on the proposed TIF district. Grossman stated that the Dakota County board <br />and the Planning Commission have recommended approval of the TIF District.. <br />Jessica Cook gave a brief presentation on what the TIF dollars can be used for. <br />She stated that creation of the district does not commit money to a specific developer; all <br />requests for TIF funding must be analyzed and approved separately. <br />Acting Mayor Hicks opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. <br />Jackie Boler, 402 West ih Street, stated that she wanted the same set of rules to <br />apply to any developer working downtown. <br />Tom Nesbitt, 221 West 8th Street, stated that he is not againstTIF, but he is against <br />the misuse of TIF funds. <br />Ron Craft, 216 East 2nd Street, requested clarification on who will administer TIF. <br />Jessica Cook stated that a request for funds is made by a developer, that request is <br />analyzed by Ehlers Associates and a recommendation is made to the City. The HRA is the <br />administering authority, but the HRA and City Council make the final approvals regarding <br />requests for TIF funds. <br />Laurel Cox, owner of Professor Java's at 202 East 2nd Street, stated that she is <br />pleased to see the City using TIF responsibly. <br />Hearing no further comments, Acting Mayor Hicks closed the public hearing at 7:36 <br /> <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Resolution-Approve the Elimination of Parcels from Downtown Tax Increment <br />Financing District #1 <br />Moved by Councilmember Alongi, seconded by Councilmember Moratzka to <br />approve the resolution as presented. <br />5 Ayes; Nays, none. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br /> <br />Resolution-Adopt a Modification to the Hastings Downtown Area Redevelopment <br />Plan and Establish Tax Increment Financing District #4 <br />Moved by Councilmember Alongi, seconded by Councilmember Hazlet to approve <br />the resolution as presented. <br />5 Ayes; Nays, none. <br />Copy of resolution on file. <br />