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Hastings, Minnesota <br />March 7, 1994 <br />The City Council of the City of Hastings, Nfinnesota met in a regular City Council <br />meeting on Monday, Marc. 7, 1 994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 101 4th <br />Street East, Hastings, Minn esota. <br />Members Present; Councilmember Johnson, Simace , T rautrnann, Hicks, Warner, <br />iveness and Mayor Werner <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Members Present; Dave Osberg, City Administrator; <br />Barb Thompson, City Clerk; <br />Toni. Montgomery, Public Works Director; <br />Brian Bleskachek, City Engineer; <br />and Shawn Moynihan, City Attorney <br />A presentation of Certificate of Appreciation was <br />received from Bob Melson representing C.M.C.A. <br />Dale Wiech and Mike Simacel presented a check to the <br />City of Hastings for $12,000 from the Hastings Lions Club <br />for the Lions Trail Lighting Project. <br />Mayor Werner asked for corrections or additions to <br />the minutes ' of the regular meeting of February 22 and the <br />special meeting of larch 2, 1994, and hearing none declared <br />the minutes approved as presented. <br />Moved by Councilmember Simace1, seconded by Council- <br />member Riveness to approve the consent agenda as presented. <br />1. Pay all bills as audited <br />2. Assistant Building Inspector Resignation - Paul Baumgartner <br />3. Classifying Forfeited Lands <br />4. Schedule Special City Council Meeting to Discuss Hydro lower <br />Plant 3 -14 -94 <br />5. Approve Papa Charrito's Rivertown Days Dance 7-16-94 <br />6. Resolution loo. 20-94 Renew American Legion Premise Permit <br />for Charitable Gambling <br />7. Resolution No. 21 -94 Enter Into Agreement with Dakota County <br />Indemnifying the County .Against Claims Caused by Permitting <br />Diagonal Paxking <br />8. Authorization to Install Blind. Child Warning Sign - 5th & Maple <br />9. 1993 Fund Transfers <br />10. Final Plat - Wallin Addition <br />11. Renew K. C. Hall Bottle Club License 4 -1 -94 <br />12. Reappoint A. San teal to Housing & Redevelopment Authority to <br />1-31-99 <br />Ayes; Nays, None. <br />PRESENTATION <br />APPROVAL OF <br />MINUTES <br />CONSENT <br />AGENDA <br />RESOLUTION <br />N. 0 -94 <br />RESOLUTION <br />No, 21. -94 <br />The following Public Hearings were held to hear and pass 1994 STREETS <br />on all objections, written or oral, if any, to the proposed assess- & UTILITY <br />ments for 1994 Street & Utility Improvements. Public Works Director EVIPROVEME TS <br />Torn Montgomery and City Engineer Brian Bleskachek reviewed with the <br />City Council and audience the estimated cost of construction, the estimated <br />assessments, and the proposed funding for the 1994 program. Some questions ; <br />from the audience were addressed before the public hearings started. John Moes <br />of 223 E. 15th Street questioned why he was to be assessed for Sibley Street <br />storm sewer when he paid for the original storm sever that was installed. <br />Another resident had questions concerning storm sewer and utility lines <br />on the north end of the project. Everyone wishing to speak were given the <br />opportunity to do so at this time or during the public Bearings. The City <br />Clerk provided proof of affidavit of publication and certificate of mailing. <br />