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Page <br />August 3, 1992 <br />Coved by Councilmember Simacek, seconded by VACATE <br />Councilmember Riveness authorizing Staff to enter BA ' -3RD <br />into an agreement with the Langoa Corp. granting the 4TH STSe <br />City a 20 foot wide fire access along the west side <br />of Bailly Street right -of -way, after which a request <br />for vacation of that portion of Dailly Street be <br />brought back to Council. <br />ounc i lmemb er i owet z arrived at 7:28 p . m e <br />Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by <br />Councilmember Johnson to table this item and refer <br />it to the Planning Committee for recommendation <br />at the Council meeting of August 17, 1992. 7 Ayes; <br />Nays, None,. <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by RESOLUTION <br />Councilmember Simacek to adopt Resolution No, 62-92 Now 62-92 <br />accepting the work and ordering the final payment of 199 AL- <br />the 1992 Sealcoat Program to Allied Blacktop Company COAT PAY <br />for $34,309,49, 6 Ayes; Nays=, Riveness. Copy of MENT T <br />resolution on file. ALLIED <br />BLACKTOP <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by RESOLUTION <br />Councilmember ]dicks to adopt Resolution No, 63-92 Ma -9 <br />which rejects all bids for the 1992 Industrial Park F4&= BTI - <br />Lot Excavation and Grading Project. 7 Ayes; Nays, 92 IND. PAS <br />None, Copy of resolution on file, LOT <br />Moved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by D E N <br />Councilmember Simacek to den's the request from William VARIANCE <br />E. Birkholz for a 7 foot sideyard setback variance REQUEST- <br />for a deck at 950 Manor Court, that does not meet the 950 MANOR <br />criteria of Sec. 204, Subd . - A. 7 Ayes; Nays, None. CTO <br />Moved by Councilmember Simacek, seconded by FI1NAL PLAT - <br />Councilmermber Riveness to approve the Final Plat CARI PARK <br />subject to the following conditions: 3RD ADDNe <br />1. Requirement that the Cari Park Development <br />Agreement be amendeld to permit the proposed <br />twinhomte development and that requirements <br />for design and construction of necessary <br />public improvements be specified in the <br />agreement. <br />2, Payment of $7200,00 cash in lieu of land <br />for park dedication prior to release by the <br />City of the final plat <br />Street tree plantings shall be installed <br />per City Code requirements. <br />4. Requirement that the proposed Outlot A <br />be legally combined with ]Got 12, Block 1 <br />of Cari Park. <br />That a north /south pedestrian trail <br />easement be dedicated by the Developer <br />(by separate document) along the east 20 <br />feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Cari Park Third <br />Addition to provide pedestrian access for <br />residents of Cari Park to the County <br />Crossroads Shopping Center. Further, <br />the Developer shall install a bituminous <br />pedestrian trail constructed to City <br />Standards within the easement, <br />6. That the developer understand and agree <br />that the cul de sac on Cari Park Lane <br />may be extended to the south as a through <br />street to 36th Street. <br />7. That a benchmark elevation be established <br />on the plat. <br />8. That no fences or other nom - vegetative <br />structures be allowed within the pedestrian <br />easement. <br />