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<br />Hastings Planning Commission <br />November 28, 2011 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Vice Chair Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />1.Roll Call <br /> Commissioners Present: Stevens, Bullington, Estenson, Messina, Rohloff, and Vaughan <br /> Commissioners Absent: Peine <br /> Staff Present: Community Development Director John Hinzman <br />2.$SSURYDORI0LQXWHV±1RYHPEHU <br />Motion by Commissioner Rohloff to approve the November 14, 2011 minutes as <br />presented. Seconded by Commissioner Estenson. Upon vote taken, Ayes 6, Nays 0. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />3.&LW\RI+DVWLQJV±5H]RQLQJ±5H]Rne Home from C-3 Community Regional <br />Commerce to R-2 Medium Density 5HVLGHQFH±7\OHU6WUHHW <br /> <br />Director Hinzman presented the combined staff report for the Rezoning, Variance, and Original <br />Hastings Design Standards Review. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Stevens opened the Public Hearing at 7:04. <br /> <br />Hearing no comments from the audience, Vice Chair Stevens closed the Public Hearing at 7:04. <br /> <br />Commissioner Vaughan asked if the UBC building next door was zoned industrial. Director <br />Hinzman stated that it was. Would the future use of Red Rock Corridor affect the desire to rezone <br />the property? Director Hinzman stated he believes the visibility of the building limits its use for <br />future commercial businesses. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bullington asked if the property needed to be rezoned to consider the garage <br />application. Director Hinzman stated it did not. The rezoning ZDVDW6WDII¶VUHTXHVWWREHWWHU <br />UHIOHFWWKHSURSHUW\¶VFXUUHQWXVH <br /> <br />Motion by Estenson to recommend approval of the Rezoning, second by Rohloff. Upon <br />vote taken, Ayes 6, Nays 0. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />OTHER ACTIONS <br /> <br />4.%UXFH6ZDQOXQG±Variance & Original Hastings Design 6WDQGDUGV5HYLHZ±9DULDQFH <br />to the Minimum Structure Separation RequirementWRFRQVWUXFWDQHZJDUDJH±7\OHU6W <br /> <br />Commissioner Bullington asked for verification of the five foot setback from property line. <br />Director Hinzman confirmed the measurement. <br /> <br />