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City of Hastings <br />3ODQQLQJ&RPPLVVLRQ0LQXWHV±1RYHPEer 28, 2011 Page 2 of 4 <br />Commissioner Bullington asked for clarification that the building code requires a three foot <br />separation between buildings as opposed to the Zoning Code requirement of six feet; does one <br />supersede the other? Director Hinzman stated the Commissioner was correct and that the <br />Building Code generally supersedes the Zoning Code, however the Zoning Code can be more <br />restrictive as in this case. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bullington asked the applicant what the purpose of the garage was for and whether <br />a garage has ever been on the property. Mr. Swanlund responded the garage was for his personal <br />property and he was not aware of a garage on the property in the past. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bullington stated he was not comfortable with varying the zoning provisions for a <br />secondary structure, citing aesthetics and character of the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Commissioner Estenson stated the placement of the building was not done by the applicant and <br />the variance does appear to be grossly outside of the zoning requirements. <br /> <br />Mr. Swanlund asked for clarification the building height limit. Director Hinzman stated the <br />accessory building height was limited to 16 feet. <br /> <br />Motion by Messina to recommend approval of the Original Hastings Design Standards <br />review with the following conditions. Second by Estenson. Upon vote taken, Ayes 6, <br />Nays 0. Motion carried. <br /> <br />1)Conformance with the Planning Commission Staff Report and plans dated November <br />th <br />28 2011. <br />2)Approval of a building permit. <br />3)Approval is subject to a one year Sunset Clause; if significant progress is not made <br />towards construction of the proposal within one year of City Council approval, the <br />approval is null and void. <br />Discussion continued on the Variance request. <br />Commissioner Vaughan asked about any greenspace requirements. Director Hinzman stated that <br />there is a 35 percent greenspace requirement in the rear yard. <br />Commissioner Vaughan asked for clarification on how the rear yard was determined on this <br />structure. Director Hinzman stated the area south of the house was determined to be the rear yard. <br />Discussion continued as to whether the east side should be considered the rear. The east side of <br />the home is opposite of Tyler Street where the home is addressed and a door is located. Director <br />Hinzman stated that doors exist on both the north and west side of the property, making the rear <br />yard determination up for interpretation. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Stevens asked for clarification on where the rear yard begins. Director Hinzman stated <br />all property located behind the house; if the east side of the property where the garage is proposed <br />to be located is considered the rear, the garage likely exceeds the 35% green space requirement. <br />The Commission may want to consider that in the variance. <br /> <br />