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<br />Chapter 16 - Shoreland Ordinance <br />Draft No. 7 - City Council 2nd Reading - April 4, 2005 <br />Page 9 of 38 <br /> <br />compliance and to protect adiacent properties and the public interest. <br /> <br />D. The board of adiustment shall hear and decide requests for variances <br />in accordance with the rules that it has adopted for the conduct of <br />business. When a variance is approved after the Department of <br />Natural Resources has formally recommended denial in the hearinq <br />record. the notification of the approved variance required in Subd. 3 of <br />this section shall also include the board of adiustment's summary of <br />the public record\testimony and the findinqs of facts and conclusions <br />which supported the issuance of the variance. <br /> <br />2.2 The board of 3djustment shall he3r 3nd decide requests for '3riances in <br />accord3nce 'Nith tho rules th3t it h3s 3dopted for the conduct of business. VVhen <br />3 v3ri3nce is approved 3fter the Dep3rtment of N3tur31 Resources h3s form311y <br />recommendod doni31 in the he3ring rocord, tho notific3tion of the 3pprovod <br />v3ri3nce requirod in Section 3.32 below sh311 31so includo the b03rd of <br />3djustmont's summ3ry of tho public record/testimony 3nd tho findings of f3cts <br />3nd conclusions which supported tho issu3nce of the vari3nce. <br /> <br />2.~Z For existing developments, the application for variance must clearly <br />demonstrate whether a conforming sewage treatment system is present for the <br />intended use of the property. The variance, if issued, must require <br />reconstruction of a nonconforming sewage treatment system. <br /> <br />Subd.3. <br /> <br />Notifications to the Department of Natural Resources <br /> <br />3.1 Copies of all notices of any public hearings to consider variances, <br />amendments, or condition31 uses special use permits under loc31 shorebnd <br />man3gement controls from the requirements of this ordinance must be sent to <br />the commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative and <br />postmarked at least ten days before the hearings. Notices of hearings to <br />consider proposed subdivisions/plats must include copies of the subdivision/plat. <br /> <br />3.2 A copy of approved amendments and subdivisions/plats, and final decisions <br />granting variances or condition31 uses special use permits undor IOC31 shorol3nd <br />m3nagement controls from the requirements of this ordinance must be sent to <br />the commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative and <br />postmarked within ten days of final action. <br /> <br />Subd.4. <br /> <br />Special Use Permits <br /> <br />4.1 All uses that require a special use permit by the underlyinq zoninQ district or <br />any other ordinance shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 10 Land Use <br />Requlations (Zoninq) of the Code of Ordinances in addition to the followinq: <br />