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<br />524 <br /> <br />request that said petition now be withdrawn; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, The Council is agreeable to said withdrawal, <br /> <br />NO~ TpEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That said petition be and hereby is <br />withdrawn, and said petition shall be of no further legal effect. <br /> <br />Adopted by the City Council this 15th day of June, 1970. <br /> <br />the same <br /> <br />lu . Ii. ~~J,. -. <br /> <br />City Clerk <br />Soleim <br />Councilman/seconded the motion to <br />was passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />cJK!1 <br /> <br /> <br />adopt said resolution and <br />Ayes, all; Nays, none. <br /> <br />[l <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Driscoll that <br />the petition of Industrial Builders, Inc. to rezone the following described <br />properties from Residential land 3 to Commercial 1 be referred to the <br />Planning Commission: Ayes, all; Nays, none. . <br /> <br />Parcell All that part of Valley Manor, the East one-half of the. Southeast <br />one-quarter of Section 29, Township ll5, Range l7 and the West one-half of <br />the Southwest one-quarter of Section 28, Township ll5, Range 17, all in <br />Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast <br />corner of said East one-half of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 29; <br />thence South 00 degrees, 01 minutes, 40 seconds, West along the East line <br />of said East one-half of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 29 (also the <br />centerline of Bahls Drive), a distance of 123.76 feet to the actual point <br />of beginning; thence South 00 degrees, Ol minutes, 40 seconds, West along <br />the centerline of Bahls Drive, a distance of l30.40 feet; thence on a tan- <br />gential curve to the left (having a radius of 200.00 feet, Delta angle of <br />29 degrees, 02 minutes, 27 seconds), a distance of 10l.37 feet; thence South <br />29 degrees, Ol minutes, 23 seconds, East along the centerline of Bahls Drive, <br />a distance of lOO.42 feet; thence South 60 degrees, 58 minutes, 37 seconds, <br />West, a distance of 84.52 feet; thence North 89 degrees, 46 minutes, 26 r~ <br />seconds, West, a distance of 243.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees, Ol ILl. <br />minutes, 40 seconds, East, a distance of 356.56 feet of the Southerly right- <br />of-way line of S.T.H. No. 55; thence South 89 degrees, 43 minutes, l4 se- <br />conds, East along said Southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 243.00 feet <br />to the point of beginning. Containing 2.14 acres more or less. <br /> <br />Parcel 2 All that part of the East one-half of the Southeast one-quarter <br />of Section 29, Township 115, Range 17, Dakota County, Minnesota described <br />as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said East one-half of <br />the Southeast one-quarter of Section 29, thence South 00 degrees, Ol minutes, <br />04 seconds, West along the East line of said East one-half of the Southeast <br />one-quarter of Section 29, a distance of l23,76 feet to the Southerly right- <br />of-way line of S.T.H. No. 55; thence North 89 degrees, 43 minutes, l4 se- <br />conds West, along said Southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 243.00 <br />feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing North 89 degrees, <br />43 minutes, l4 seconds, West; along said Southerly right-of-way line,a dis- <br />tance of 241.07 feet to the centerline of Westview Drive; thence South 00 <br />degrees, 26 minutes, 46 seconds, West along the centerline of Westview <br />Drive, a distance of 73.94 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right <br />(having a radius of 605.22 feet, Delta angle of 40 degrees, 00 minutes), <br />a distance of 422.52 feet; thence South 49 degrees, 33 minutes, l4 seconds, <br />East, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right <br />(having a radius of 360.00 feet, Delta angle of 19 degrees, 50 minutes, <br />02 seconds), a distance of l24.6l feet; thence North 60 degrees, l6 minutes, <br />48 seconds, East, a distance of 235.51 feet; thence North 00 degrees, Ol (\ <br />minutes, 04 seconds, East, a distance of 122.l0 feet; thence South 89 U <br />\ <br />degrees, 46 minutes, 26 seconds, East, a distance of 57.00 feet; thence <br />North 00 degrees, Ol minutes, 04 seconds, East, a distance of 356.56 feet <br />to the point of beginning. Containing 3.35 acres more or less. <br /> <br />Parcel 3 All that part of Bauer's Second Addition, Dakota Hills Second <br />Addition and the East one-half of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 29, <br />Township ll5, Range l7, all in Dakota County, Minnesota, described as <br />follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Bauer's Second Addition <br />(also the North west corner of the West one-half of the Southeast one- <br />quarter of Section 29); thence South 00 degrees, 16 minutes, 09 seconds, <br />West along the West line of Bauerts Second Addition, a distance of 48.90 <br />