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<br />problems. AIl disturbed areas on the Subject Property shaIl also be maintained in <br />compliance with all City of Hastings property maintenance ordinances. <br /> <br />Upon completion of site grading, Developer shall submit to the Public Works <br />Division for review, an "as-built" grading plan in a type and format specified by the <br />Public Works Division showing the newly graded elevations at all lot comers, critical <br />elevations in drainage ways, one foot contours at ponding and sedimentation basins, <br />and at ponding level control points for ponding basin emergency overflow swales. <br /> <br />12. Drive Aisles. Developer shall construct driveway aisles on the property as shown on <br />the site plan dated March 31,2005, a copy of which is on file at City Hall. The <br />location of these drive aisles are generally described as being between Lots 1 and 2; <br />Lots 2 and 3; and that part of Lot 1 adjacent to Lots 2 and 3. The drive aisles on Lot <br />1 shall be improved to City standards and with a temporary asphalt surface. Curb and <br />gutter shall also be installed as required by Paragraph 9, except that a 28 foot wide <br />drive aisle on the south side of Phase 1 (between Lots 2 and 3) will have temporary <br />asphalt curb on the south side. When Lot 3 is developed, and the parking on the <br />north side of Lot 3 abutting the previously constructed 28 foot drive aisle is <br />constructed, the top 1.5 inches of bituminous surfacing ofthe 28 foot drive aisle will <br />be milled off and overlaid in conjunction with the placement of the fmal lift of <br />bituminous surfacing for the Lot 3 parking area. A temporary 28 feet wide <br />north/south drive aisle with bituminous curbing will constructed on Lot 1 extending <br />south of Lot 2 to connect to 2nd St. as part ofthe Phase 1 improvements.. HRA will <br />convey to Developer, at no cost, the necessary easement to allow the construction and <br />use ofthe drive aisles over Lot 1. Developer will be responsible to maintain all drive <br />aisles until the condominium associations to be created by Developer assume <br />responsibility for the maintenance. <br /> <br />13. Landscapinl! and Streetscapes. Developer shall install all landscaping as shown on <br />the Landscape Plan approved by the City Council on May 16, 2005, a copy of which <br />is on file at Hastings City Hall. Streetscapes (all public improvements in the right of <br />way between the curb and the property line) for Phase 1 shall be installed by the City <br />and the cost assessed to the Phase 1 property. All streetscapes adjacent to the Subject <br />Property to be constructed by the City shall be completed by July 1, 2006. If the City <br />has not completed the streetscapes by that date, the Developer shall have the right, <br />but not the obligation, to complete the streetscape. The cost to construct the <br />streetscapes shall be paid or assessed as provided in Section 3.10 and 3.11 of the <br />Purchase and Development Agreement. <br /> <br />14. Utilities. AIl utilities shall be constructed according to the Utility Plan dated March <br />31, 2005, a copy of which is on file at Hastings City Hall. Developer shaIl be <br />responsible to construct any utilities located between the utility main in the public <br />right-of-way and any buildings constructed on Subject Property. City wiIl be <br />responsible for the utility main construction within a right-of-way and burying <br />overhead utilities. The cost to construct these utilities shall be paid or assessed as <br />