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<br />'\\ <br /> <br />1. CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />June 25, 1986 <br /> <br />SOCTION 2.05. PETITIONS FOR ELOCTION. At least thirty days before a prirrary <br />election, any person eligible and desirous of having his or her name placed upon the <br />prirrary ballot as a candidate for any office to be voted on at said prirrary election, <br />shall file or cause to be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Hastings a petition <br />on a form prepared and provided by the City and signed by at least fifteen qualified <br />voters of the City of Hastings, which petition shall state the name and address and <br />residence of such person, the office for which he or ~hp desires to be .a candidate, <br />that he or she is a qualified voter in the City of Hastings, and a statement that he <br />or she desires to seek said office. If the office sought is that of Mayor, or at large <br />councilperson, the petitioners may reside anywhere in the City of Hastings. If the <br />office is that of a ward councilperson ee\:lRe:i:~, the person naninated shall reside <br />in the ward from which he or she seeks election, and the signators of his or her <br />petition must also be residents of the same ward . On or appended to each petition, <br />or to each page thereof if said petition consists of m::>re than one page, there shall 0 <br />be an af f idavi t of the circulator thereof stating that each signature thereon was made <br />in his or her presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it <br />purports to be. <br /> <br />SOCTION 2.07. PRESENT ELEX::TIVE OFFICIALS TO CONrINUE TERM. All members of the <br />City Council of the City of Hastings as of the date hereof shall hold their respective <br />offices until their terms of office expire by operation of law. Nothing in this <br />Chapter shall be construed to limit their term of office T .L except that the termS of <br />office of any elected City official, the nlIDlber of wards and ward representation~rray <br />be changed or altered upon the reccmnendation of a duly appointed Charter Conmission _ <br />and amendItEnt to this Charter as provided by law. <br /> <br />SOCTION 3.02. ~;PJB-Q~~T COUNCIL CG1POSITION AND ELEX::TION. ~e-e~ee1::i:ye <br />e€€:i:eers-e€-1:Ae-G:i:1:y-are-aRa-SRa~~-eeR1::i:Rae-1:e-Be-a-Mayer-aA8-1:we~rs-e€-1:Ae-be\:lRe:i:~ <br />€reFR-eaeA-wara-e€-1:Ae-G:i:~Y7-wAe-SAa~~-Be-kRewR-as-ee\:lRe:i:lReRT The Council shall be <br />composed of a mayor and six members of the city council, two of whan shall be elected <br />at large for a tenn of four (4) years at the 1986 City election. One rrember of the <br />Council shall be elected fran each ward of the City for a tenn of four (4) years at <br />the 1988 City election. All of said elective officers shall be qualified electors <br />and residents in and of the City of Hastings, and in the case of \Yal:d ee\:lRe:i:!:IfteR <br />counciloersons, resideI1ts of the ward from which they are elected. . Candidates for <br />ward Council seats shall be residents of the ward fran which they seek office for at <br />least thirty (30) days prior to the prirrary election. Candidates for at large Council <br />seats shall be residents of the City for at least thirty (30) days prior to the O. <br />prirrary election. ~e-Mayer-5Aa~~-5erYe-€er-a-~r:i:ea-e€-~we-~~+-yearS-aA8-aR~:i:~ <br />A:i:s-saeeesser-:i:5-aa~y-e~eEe8-aR8~a~:i:€:i:eaT Qe\:lRe:i:~meR Councilpersofls shall serve <br />for a tenn of four (4) years and until their successors are duly elected and <br />qualified. The tenn of all elected officers shall begin on the first M:mday after <br />the first Saturday in January following a regular Municipal election. The City <br />Council shall be the judge of the election of the Mayor and the Ge\:lRe:i:~. <br />Councilpersons. <br /> <br />2. MAYOR <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />SOCTION 3.025. THE MAYOR. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Charter to <br />the contrary, beginning at the 1986 general city election, the Mayor shall be elected <br />and serve for a pericxi of four (4) years and until his or her successor is duly <br />elected and qualified. The Mayor shall be a qualified elector and resident in and <br />of the City of Hastings for at least thirty (30) days prior to the primary election. <br />The Mayor shall preside at IIEetings of the Council and shall have a vote as a rranber. <br />Likewise, the Mayor may act as a rranber of the Council, make and second m::>tions while <br />presiding at Council IIEetings. <br /> <br />SOCTION 3.04. ACTING MAYOR. At the first regular Council ItEeting of the year, <br />and at such other tiIlEs as it deems appropriate, the Council shall, by a majority vote <br />of its entire membership, elect one of its rrembers to serve as acting Mayor. The <br />acting Mayor shall serve as Mayor in case of the Mayor's disability or absence fran . D. <br />the City, except that the acting Mayor shall not have the right to veto ordinances <br />or vote as Mayor to break a tie. The ee\:lRe:i:~ council person acting as Mayor during <br />the absence or disability of the Mayor shall continue his or her right to vote as <br />a eeaRe:i:~ councilperson. <br /> <br />SOCTION 3.05. DUTIES OF THE MAYOR IN GENERAL. The Mayor shall be the presiding <br />officer of the City Council, provided that at the first regular Council meeting of <br />the year following the general municipal election, the Council shall choose fran its <br />~ rranbers an acting mayor as provided in section 3.04. The Mayor shall exercise all <br />powers and perfonn all duties conferred and imposed upon A:HR the Mayor by this Charter, <br />by City Ordinances, and by laws of the State of Minnesota, and the United States <br />of A1rerica. He The Mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the City for all <br />ceraronial purposes, by the courts for the purpose of serving civil process, and by <br />the Governor for the purpose of martial law. In tiIlE of declared public emergency, <br />the Mayor may, with the consent of the Council, take cal1Tland of the police, maintain <br />order and enforce the law. <br /> <br />::1:1''''''.~._~_ <br /> <br />......."":l: m. r:l[ ~Ill __ _','_ <br /> <br />_,__ ; :,~ L. '! <br /> <br />"'.., ~ If!. <br /> <br />.... IE ""EM! <br />