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<br />July 7, 1986 <br /> <br />I~ <br /> <br />3. Approval of the penni t renewal is subject to the city receiving <br />a bond in the amount of $1,000 to insure the compliance of <br />the terms and conditions of the permit (pursuant to Section <br />10.03 Subdivision 6E4). 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Berg <br />to approve the renewal of the soil processing permit for Holst <br />Construction Canpany subject to the following: <br /> <br />HOLST CONSTRUCTION <br />SOIL PROCESSING <br />PERMIT <br /> <br />1. That Holst Operation hours for truck hauling shall be from <br />5:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday. Holst Operating <br />hours for the pit shall be 24 hours per day during March lst <br />through December 31st and the daylight hours only duringJarurry <br />1st through the last day in February. In addition, Holst <br />Construction shall refrain at all times from using CSAH 54 <br />( 10th Street) for hauling purposes between the hours of 5 P.M. <br />to 7 A.M. Variation from these hours due to the extenuating <br />circumstances may be allowed upon approval by the City Administrator. <br />2. The mining site is to be maintained and restored pursuant to <br />the plans and information provided to the city during the <br />original application period in 1983. <br />3. Holst is to obtain, if applicable, any required permits from <br />the MPCA, DNR, etc., for the soil processing operation. <br />4. Holst is to refrain from using Highway 291 for hauling <br />purposes between the hours of 5 P.M. to 7 A.M. 6 Ayes; Nayes,Ku1zer. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Nesbitt, seconded by Counci1member Berg <br />to pass the 3rd Reading of Ordinance No. 203 Amending Section 10.24 <br />Subdivision 3 relating to site plan approval and adding Subdivision <br />5 relating to a developers agreement. 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Kulzer <br />to approve the sidewalk width change from 5 feet to 4 feet'on Pine <br />St. for the 1986 Irrprovement Project and having the existing sidewalk <br />remain between 3rd Street and 4th Street. 6 Ayes; Nayes, Mathiowetz. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Berg, seconded by Councilmernber Mathiowetz <br />to amend the 1986 Irrprovement Project for Pine Street having no new <br />sidewalk installed and leaving the sidewalks there that currently <br />exist. 4 Ayes; Nayes, Werner, Kulzer and Traut.rrann. Motion passes. <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Kulzer <br />to approve the estimated market value reductions from $73,600 to <br />$58,700 for Alvera Larsen parcel No. 19-32151-010-16 and reducing <br />the estimated market value from $106,700 to $102,800 for John and Mary <br />Malban for Parcel No. 19-02000-020-78. 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Berg, seconded by Councilmember Traut.rrann <br />to accept the resignation of Tom Lewanski from the Natural Resources <br />and Recreation Commission due to his recent move from the Hastings <br />area. 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Kulzer <br />to pass the lst Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 2.42, <br />Subdivision 2 of the City Code reducing the size of the membership <br />for the Natural Resources and Recreation Commission and setting a <br />public hearing for the July 21, 1986 regular City Council meeting. <br />7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />3RD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />203-SITE PLAN <br />REVIEW PROCEDURE <br /> <br />PINE STREEI' FRCM <br />2ND TO T.H. 55 <br /> <br />REAL ESTATE <br />ABATEMENTS <br /> <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION <br />-NRRC <br /> <br />lST READING- <br />ORDINANCE AMEND- <br />MENT-REDUCTION <br />OF NRRC MEMBER- <br />SHIP. <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Trautmann, seconded by Councilmember 3RD READING- <br />- Nesbitt to pass the 3rd Reading of Ordinance No. 204 amending ORDINANCE NO. 204- <br />Chapter 2, Section 2.57 of the City Code having to do with establishing ABSENTEE BALLOT <br />an Absentee Ballot Board. 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. OOARD <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Plan <br />to table the 2nd Reading of the Charter Amendments to the July 21 st <br />meeting due to the requirement that all members of the Council must <br />vote and Councilmember Bond was absent. 7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />fuved by Councilmember Werner, seconded by Councilmember Nesbitt <br />to pass the 1st Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Section <br />2.61 of the City Code providing for the wiring of funds and setting <br />a public hearing for the July 21, 1986 regular City Council meeting. <br />7 Ayes; Nayes, None. <br /> <br />I <br />CHARTER AMENJ::1.1ENTS <br />2ND READING <br /> <br />1ST READING- <br />ORDINANCE AMEND- <br />MENT- WIRING OF <br />FUNDS <br />