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<br />HASTINGS HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> <br />Minutes of Meeting, July 18, 2006, 7:00p.m., City Hall <br /> <br />I. Quorum: Commissioners St. James, Hellie, Behnke, Martin, Hicks, and <br />Goderstad were present. Staff: Grossman and Phillips. Chairperson <br />Goderstad called the meeting to order. <br /> <br />II. Minutes of June 20, 2006. Hicks moved and St. James seconded <br />approval of the minutes; motion carried, 6-0. <br /> <br />III. Review of building permits or design proposals. <br /> <br />A. 1629 Vermillion Street, the LeDuc Mansion. City of Hastings. Grossman <br />presented information regarding the proposal for added sidewalk lighting <br />for the south east part of the building. The proposals were not for final <br />decision, but rather to continue the process of selection. Grossman <br />summarized and email from Rita Goodrich, historic architectural and <br />Carole Zellie, architectural historian. <br /> <br />Rita and Carol advised that there needs to be a plain functional light that <br />will not be mistaken for historic in anyway. A yard light was recommended <br />and a design provided by Kurt Stoudt, the City Facilities Manager. The <br />exact location of the light pole will be discussed with the City Forester so <br />no trees will be harmed. Grossman went on to say that they did not <br />recommend attaching lighting to the building. Grossman informed the <br />Commission that the Minnesota Historical Society will have to approve the <br />City's decision pertaining to lighting because there is a covenant on the <br />deed to LeDuc. <br /> <br />The Commission discussed what types of lighting would be used, a bright <br />white light or a soft yellow light. A mercury light would be a bright white <br />light and the sodium light would give off more of a soft yellow light. The <br />Commission felt that a soft yellow light would be more appealing and <br />aesthetically pleasing. The Commissioners agreed that it would be a good <br />idea to get a lighting expert to give some knowledgeable advice on the <br />lighting at the LeDuc. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hellie motioned to approve the yard light recommended by <br />Mr. Stoudt, provided the pole be metal and painted black and asked for an <br />opinion of a lighting expert on the type and size of light. Commissioner <br />Hicks seconded. <br /> <br />Commissioners discussed the idea of an interchangeable light fixture; a <br />fixture that could use both sodium and mercury light bulbs. No agreement <br />was reached on whether sodium or mercury was preferable. <br />