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<br />HASTINGS HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> <br />Minutes of Meeting, September 18,2006, 7:00p.m., City Hall <br /> <br />I. Quorum: Commissioners St. James, Hicks, Behnke, Martin, Goderstad, Siemens, <br />and Simacek were present. Staff: Grossman and Phillips. Chairperson Goderstad <br />called the meeting to order. <br /> <br />II. Minutes of August 15, 2006. Minutes were not distributed with the September <br />19th packet and will be sent out for review in the October packet. <br /> <br />III. Review of building permits or design proposals. <br /> <br />A. 120 West ih Street. Mary Conroy. Phillips presented information regarding the <br />proposal to replace a living room window with an Anderson Renewal window <br />to match the other nine windows replaced in 1998. The exterior part of the <br />window is wood with a vinyl covering; the trim will be wood. Behnke moved <br />and Hicks seconded to approve the window replacement. <br /> <br />Approval ofthe above item is in accordance with Residential Guideline #4: <br />windows. <br /> <br />B. 612 Vermillion Street. Finley- Tronnier Investments, LLC. Phillips presented <br />information regarding the proposal to do flat concrete work on the sidewalk, <br />bow and hood repair, work on the porch on the Carriage House, jack up a <br />portion of the north wall back to its original position, and pour new concrete <br />steps on the north side entrance. <br /> <br />Mel Erickson, M & M Restoration, addressed the Commission and requested <br />approval for them to change the Committee approved plan for the front step to <br />uses stamped concrete instead of limestone blocks for steps. Erickson passed <br />around a sample of what the stamped concrete will look like and said pattern <br />#14 is what they would use. Grossman clarified that because the original steps <br />are decayed and gone they don't have to replicate the original limestone steps. <br />The Commission also discussed the flat concrete work. Simacek moved and <br />Martin seconded to approve the use of stamped concrete, using pattern # 14, and <br />the flat concrete work. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Approval of the above item is in accordance with Residential Guideline #7: <br />porches and steps. . <br /> <br />Next the Commission discussed windows. Matt Tronnier of Finley-Tronnier <br />Investments, LLC clarified that they would not be replacing any windows. <br />Work would be done on the bow and hoods. Erickson presented information on <br />how the bow and hood work will be done, he specified that they would be using <br />a wooden mold to pour concrete for the one hood that was completely gone and <br />