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Hastings, Minnesota <br /> City Council Minutes <br /> April 16, 2007 <br /> The City Council of the City of Hastings, Minnesota met in a regular meeting on <br /> Monday, April 16, 2007 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Hastings City Hall, <br /> 101 East 4'h Street, Hastings, Minnesota. <br /> Members Present: Mayor Hicks, City Councilmembers Alongi, Hazlet, Hollenbeck, <br /> Schultz, Slavik, and Riveness <br /> Members Absent: <br /> Staff Present: City Administrator Dave Osberg <br /> Assistant City Administrator Melanie Mesko Lee <br /> City Attorney Shawn Moynihan <br /> Public Works Director Tom Montgomery <br /> Associate Planner Kari Barker <br /> Fire Chief Mark Holmes <br /> Parks & Recreation Director Barry Bernstein <br /> Youth Recycling Program <br /> Randy Triplett of Waste Management presented a check in the amount of <br /> $799.65 to the McAuliffe Parent/Teacher Connection for recycling 53.31 tons of <br /> cardboard and mixed paper. <br /> Approval of Minutes: <br /> Mayor Hicks asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of the regular <br /> meeting of April 2, 2007. Hearing none, the minutes were approved as presented. <br /> Council Items to be Considered: <br /> Assistant City Administrator Mesko Lee requested that Item # 8 on the Consent <br /> Agenda, Resolution—Gambling Premises Permit Renewal Application: Miesville Lions <br /> (Bierstube), be removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant. Mesko Lee <br /> also requested that an item regarding approval of a temporary liquor license to Dakota <br /> County Historical Society be added to the Consent Agenda. <br /> Moved by Councilmember Slavik, seconded by Councilmember Hazlet to <br /> approve the agenda amendments as presented. <br /> 7 Ayes; Nays, none. <br /> Consent Agenda <br /> Moved by Councilmember Riveness, seconded by Councilmember Schultz to approve the <br /> Consent Agenda as amended. <br /> 1. Pay Bills as Audited <br /> 2. Pay Estimate #7—Water Treatment Plant: Magney Construction <br /> ($812,683.20) <br /> 3. Pay Estimate #10—Well #8 Pumphouse: Magney Construction <br /> ($16,549.28) <br /> 4. Approve Hiring of Additional Seasonal Summer Help for Public Works <br /> 5. Resolution—Declare Generator and Dump Truck Parts as Excess <br /> 6. Approve Joint Agreement with Dakota County for Spring Clean Up Day <br />