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Conzemius stated that he felt there should be no <br />difference between the R-1 District and the R-2 Dis- <br />trict, that if two family dwellings were allowed in <br />the R-2 District there is no reason why they shouldn't <br />be allowed in the R-1 District, especially when they <br />meet~all the existing site requirements. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Conzemius, seconded by <br />Commissioner Reuter to recommend approval of the special <br />use permit since it meets all zoning requirements. <br />4 Ayes, Stevens, Reuter, Wendler, and Murphy Naye. <br /> <br /> The proposal meets all zoning requirements no on- <br />site visits are expected, and no signs will be erected. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Wendler, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Martin to recommend approval of the Home Occupa- <br />tion Permit, as it meets all zoning requirements. <br />8 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> The Planner indicated that the Minnesota Depart- <br />ment of Transportation had been contacted for cormments <br />regarding access. He also informed the Planning Commis- <br />sion about other aspects of the proposed plat. Mayor <br />Stoffel told the Planning Commission that if they didn't <br />require a service lane on this plat that they would be <br />setting a bad precedent. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Wendler, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Stevens to table the matter until comments were <br />received from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. <br />8 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br /> The Planner informed the Commission that he had <br />just recently discovered that the property was not connected <br />to City sewer, and that the adjacent property owner Mr. <br />Jerry Denn had also requested that his property be rezoned <br />to a C-1 classification. There was extensive discussion <br />about the access and sewer questions. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Wendler, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Martin to recommend rezoning from R-3 to C-1 for <br />all three properties being discussed. After discussion <br />the motion and second were withdrawn. There was further <br />discussion about the need for a service road. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Anderson to recommend approval of the rezoning from <br />R-3 to C-1 for only the property requested by Dr. Viren <br />on the condition that the owner dedicate on demand land for <br />the service road, and that the building be connected to <br />public sewer system if feasible. 7 Ayes, Reuter Naye. <br /> <br /> Moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Wendler to recommend approval of amending the list <br />of permitted uses in the C-1 zoning district to include <br />veterinary clinic as a permitted use. 8 Ayes, 0 Nayes. <br /> <br />HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT- <br />JEWELRY MAKING AND CLOCK <br />REPAIR - 1124 RAMSEY ST. <br />TIBOR KOVACS <br /> <br />55 WEST ADDITION - PRE- <br />LIMINARY PLAT - WESTVIEW <br />DRIVE AND HIGHWAY #55 - <br />DAVE TANNER <br /> <br />REZONING R-3 TO C-1 <br />FOR VETERINARY CLINIC - <br />DR. JOHN VIREN <br /> <br />ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - <br />VETERINARy CLINIC A <br />PERMITTED USE IN THE C-1 <br />DISTRICT <br /> <br /> <br />