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-3- September 13, 1976 <br /> <br />l~lanning Commis s [on Mbxutes <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />Mr. Glen VanWormer and Howard Preston appeared <br />before the Planning Cornrnisslon to discuss ~he Highway <br />Departments plans to make improvements to Highway <br />61 and replace the 61 bridge over the Ver~/lillion River <br />during the year 1978. The reason for considering this <br />project is that Vermillion Street has the Znd highest <br />accident rate of any road in the Highway Dept. district and <br />it was felt that changes are necessary in the present design <br />of the road to minimize the existkug traffic hazards. The plan <br />presented by the Highway Dept. called for the creation of medians <br />or stripping which would allow for left hand turn lanes. The plan <br />also calls for minimizing the number of turning movements on <br />Vermill~onSt. Semaphores on 4th, llth and 15th Streets will be <br />improved in conjunction with this project and the Planning Commission <br />~udicated that they have included in the Capital Improvements Program <br />signals for Coualty Road ~47. Additional right-of-way will probably <br />be lleeded at the intersection o£ ~316 and 61 as well as at 21st Street <br />to allow for re-alignment of that road. The plans called for the <br />elimkuation of parking on Vermillion S~reet except fo~¢ the west <br />side between 3rd Street and 5th Street. The Highway Dept. <br />would desire to have a committee which they can work with <br />at the community level, and in response to this, the Chairman <br />suggested that they work with the Traffic Advisory Corru-nittee <br />as well as a special committee of Plan~ling Cornnxission members <br />consisting of Corn/-nissioner Stoffel, Peterson and Chairman Glenuie. <br /> <br />MINNESOTA HIGHWAY <br />DEPT. PRESENTATION <br />REGARDING T.H. 61 <br /> <br />The City has received a petition to rezone portions of REZONING OF PROPERT5 <br />Blocks 130 and 134 of the To%~rn of Hastings. The FROM I-1, I-Z, and <br />petition to rezone the existing residential development TO R-2 _~2%_ND R-4 <br />property to a residential land use brings up a larger issue IN EAST I-LASTINGS <br />of whether or not the City should rezone all the property <br />north of 10th Street and south of the railroad tracks and <br />from the Vermillion River to the railroad spur line from <br />Industrial to Multiple Family Residential. In conjunction <br />with this request, Profile Extrusions on East 10th Street <br />has requested that the City investigate the possibility <br />of extending a sewer line, but 10th Street for their use <br />which would in effect open the area north of 10th Street for urban <br />development. The matter was referred to the Fischer Committee <br />for further study. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission was informed of the results of PARK DEDICATION <br />the first reading of the Park Dedication Ordinance ORDINANCE <br />which suggested a scale of 8 - 13% for land to be <br />dedicated at the time of platting. The Planning Commission <br />decided not to make any further recommendations on the matter. <br /> <br />Chairman Gtennie referred this matter to the Stark <br />Corru~itte e. <br /> <br />SWIMMING POOL <br />ORDINANCE <br /> <br />Moved by Cornm~ssloner Walker, seconded by ADJOURNMENT <br />Commissioner Peterson to adjourn at 10:52 P.M. 7/~- J ~?~ <br /> <br /> <br />