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Planning Cornmission Minutes (Cont.) <br />July lZ, 1976 <br /> <br />The Peavey Company has requested a variance from <br />the front yard setback requirements to allow for the <br />construction of their building 1 foot 5-1/2 inches from <br />the right-of-way at one point and 4 inches at another. <br />The new construction will not be any cl~)ser to the <br />right-of-way than the existing building. <br /> <br /> The Pischer Committee report indicated the followimg: <br />1. "A traffic hazard area at the north end of <br /> Vermillion/Hwy. 61beidge will be minimized by <br /> the change in mill loading/unloading areas?. <br /> <br />2. "The new structure will be more aesthetically <br /> pleasing than the existing structures". <br /> <br />3. "The request will not adversely affect ni~ighboring <br /> property or the City of Hastings". <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by <br />Commissioner Walker tO approve the variance requested by <br />the Peavey Mill and request that the Staff notify <br />adjacent property owners before the Council meeting <br />on July 19, [976. Nine ayes, zero nays. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Pischer, seconded by <br />Commissioner Steffel to rec®mmend the rez®ning <br />of the Peavey property frem I{-1 te R-Z pending <br />any information from the Staff which would be contradictery <br />to the information presently available. The motion <br />was withdrawn. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Kramer, se~°ndedby <br />ConJa/ltssiol~er I t,~de to have the Staff submit a report <br />regarding the appropriateness of rezoning the Peavey <br />p(~operty and this work should be assisted by a <br />Plan.nkng Commission Committee. Nine ayes, zero <br />nays. The matter was referred back ti) the Pischer <br />Committee by Chairman G[ennie. <br /> <br />Mr Gydesen has submitted an application to rezone <br />Lot 1, ]Block 36, Town of Hastings from C-3 to <br />R-Z. 'rhe request involves a special use permit to <br />allow a duplex to be constructed in the proposed <br />R-Z zoning district. Chairman Glennie referred the <br />matter to the Stark Committee with Commissioner <br />Fischer taking Comrnissioner Stark's place in <br />absence. <br /> <br />VARIANCE - PEAVEY <br />MILL- 2005 VERMILLION <br /> <br />ZONING AMENDMENT <br />(RE ZONING) AND <br />SPECJ./kL USE PERMIT <br />HENRY GYDESEN - <br />118 EAST 5TH STREET <br /> <br /> <br />