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Planning Commission Minutes -Z- February 9, 1976 <br /> <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />The Planning Director indicated that the drawings that <br />have been submitted by Mr. Krick did not accurately <br />indicate drainage on the property and more details should <br />be provided regarding the landscaping plan. Chairman <br />Trautmann referred the matter to the Trautmann <br />Committee. <br /> <br />SITE PLAN REVIEW <br />GLENNYS KRICK <br />1050 WESTVIEW DRIVE <br /> <br />Commissioner Fischer informed the Planning Commission SPECJJkL USE PERMIT <br />that the Fischer Committee had inspected the site and HASTINGS CO-OP <br />saw no problem with allowing the creamery to use an CREAMERY <br />existing foundation to construct an 800 square foot 17TH & VERMILLION <br />storage building. Moved by Commissioner Fischer, <br />seconded by Commissioner Linde to allow the Co-Op <br />Creamery to modify their plans and thereby permitting <br />an 800 square foot storage budding conditioned on the <br />fact that there will indeed be proper drainage, adequate <br />parking, and the ability to maintain traffic flow through <br />their property with the construction of the new building. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Kramer, seconded by Commissioner <br />Stoffel to table the request for a plan modification to the <br />special use permit for the Co-Op creamery pending the answer <br />to the question of whether adequate parking is provided. <br />5 Ayes - Walker, Fischer, and Linde - Nay. <br /> <br />The . Planning Director reviewed with the Planning <br />Commision the proposed Comprehensive Land Use <br />Plan for Sections ~ and 4 of Marshan. The Planning <br />Director asked ~he Commission to review this proposal <br />and further discussion would take place on this matter <br />at the next meeting. <br /> <br />REVIEW C OMPREHENSIV <br />PLAN MAP FOR <br />ANNEXATION AREA <br /> <br />The Planning Director discussed with the Commission <br />the proposed downtown redevelopment project and <br />informed them that public hearings would be held on <br />the 19th and 26th of February, 1976. <br /> <br />REVIEW DOWNTOWN <br />PROJECT PROPOSAL <br /> <br /> It was explained to the Planning ConTmission that because <br /> the City o[ Hastings has already exceeded the deadline PLAIN ZONE <br /> given by the State to adopt a flood plain zoning ordinance, <br />and since the attorney is negotiating with the property owners, <br />whose value will be in part be determined by whether or not <br />it is included in the flood plain, it is thus very essential that <br />the Planning Commission move as rapidIy as possible to make <br />a recommendation regarding the flood plain zoning ordinance. <br />Gommiss loner Fischer discussed the need to establish a clearer set <br />of objectives in the ordinance and proceded to review some <br />of the concerns the Committee had regarding the model ordinance. <br />Commissioner Fischer indicated that nqost of these problems were <br />minor in nature and suggested that the Planning Commission should <br />refer the matter to the Council and allow the Attorney, Planner, ar~ <br />_E'm.~in=.eez tn momk mzt_.Ike__d_e3t~i!~ o_f the o rd inanc e. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE- FLOOD <br /> <br /> <br />