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The Cornmisslo~l met at ?:30 p m at the Hast~z~gs C~ty Counail Chambers <br />in the C,~ty ttall. <br /> <br />Members prrsent-~ Petersen, Fislhcr, Morn, ltallberg, Bauer, <br /> Soletm and /?lueget <br /> <br />Also present <br /> <br />City Engineer Davidson. Duane Groth. and Mrs Darlene <br />Hallbcrg <br /> <br />Councilman F~scher reported on the zonsng ,~f the Staffel property. The <br />~omt~iss~on reviewed the than~es in the zoning ordinance and suggested that <br />the area be zoned to 1-~. General ~dustrial. ~der the proposed zoning <br />ordinance Mr Fischer stated t~t there were several alternatives that <br />had been diecussed with Mr StoifeI foilov,~g the last meeting of the Pla~ing <br />Co~ssion and City C~m~tl. at which tinge Mr ~toffel was given time to <br />~on~ider the R-3 zone in which he would be non-~o~or~n~, the Commercial <br />zone in which he woa/d be non-cotdorming and the 1-~ zone in which he <br />be co~dormiu~ and in which he would be allowed expa~ston of his <br />for ~e~uae purposes: Mr Stoile[ reported W the Cit~ Engineer following <br />that me~ting that he would prefer the h~dustri~l zone to allow free expansion <br />of his business when it became necessary. Mr. Fischer stated that the <br />proposal oi R- ~ zoning and iss~ng a building permit thatlwoutd be adequate <br />for one year was presented, which ~r, ~toffet rejected <br /> <br /> '~e next item was presented by Mr Duane Groth representing Tri-CountF <br /> ~suraoce Agency lie requested re-zon~g of 4 05 acres formerly the <br /> Vince Ralphe property adjacent to the ~r:. ~h 5choo~ property It wa~ <br /> moved by Mr Fischer, seconded by Mr ~uer to approve the amendment <br /> to the zoning ordinance to re-zone the area from R-1 to R-3. subject to a <br /> legal easement for the West ~'~ feet of the described property being received <br /> prior to the third read~g of the zoning ordnance Mr. Groth then withdrew <br /> his request for the C-Z zoning for the area south of the Ve~msltion River <br /> until such time as the flood plain studies have been ~ompleted and the flood <br /> plain ar~:a ~pecificaH~ designated. <br /> <br /> Chg~rr~n Petersen then went through the correspondence he had pending <br /> ~he first ~tem was a letter from Drs. Kugter & Thlbodo who ~d acquired <br /> the propert~ at 55 ~d Pine It was determined that the new facility complied <br /> with the new zoning ordinance ~d accord~gtF there was no conftict~ <br /> Chair~n Petersen next read a tetter from Sanders Ackerberg raising certain <br /> questions with reference to the application of the ordinance to his apartment <br /> project The City Engineer ~d City Attorney were advised to meet with <br /> Mr Ackerber~ and see in what areas he could not conform to the proposed <br /> 'a~mg o~d~nance It w~s moved by Cou~ilm~ ~hliher~. seconded <br /> ~;,:,un, [[~.n Fl~her that Mt Ackerber~ be advised that t~s proJf~ <br /> <br /> <br />