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Minutes o£ the planning Commission ~W£eeting <br />Page Z <br /> <br />The next item discussed was a letter oi resignation subn~ttet~ by Orvin <br />lvioen. Mr. Ivioen agreed to serve the balance of the term which would end <br />in ~anuary of 1971, A letter was received from lvirs. Marcella ~idde <br />asking that she be considered for the vacancy on the Plannin2 Commission. <br />There v~a also a letter from the Hastings University Women's Association <br />recommending that she be considered. There was also an application <br />received from Mr. Paul Donndelinger requesting ttu~t he be considered <br />for the vacancy on .the Planning Commission. <br /> The next item di'ecussed was the advisability of changing the number of <br /> Council members on the planning Comixxission. Other related topics were <br /> discussed. The press representatives present were asked:to make a public <br /> announcement of the £act that there would be a vacancy or vacancies ha the <br /> ~lanning CommisSion and that anyone interested should submit appticationo <br /> A general discussion of the Natural Resources Oomnaittee occurred. <br /> Don I-Ialtherg was requested to attend the next Open Sapce and Natural <br /> Resources Committee meeting December 1, 1970, at ?:~0 porn. at the City <br /> Platt. <br /> <br /> The next item discussed was the proposal of IMike Gegen for R-~ living <br /> quarters on the corner of Oak and Highway 55. The Engineer reported that <br /> he had not received a revised plan from lvtr. Gegeno l~r. I-Iallberg stated <br /> ~l~,t Mr. Gegen was revising the original plot plan. <br /> The next item discussed was the C- 4 zoning. The City Engineer and City <br /> Attorney were instructed to Prepare a regulation and incorporate it in the <br /> zoning ordinance prior to the third passage. <br /> Mr. Sole~n next reported on the Haven Homes project. He reported that <br /> a series of meetings had been held with Rev. Fair and other citizens interested <br /> in the project. It appears that £inancing which was availab[e when the project <br /> was orig,inalty considered was not now available° The City Attorney was <br /> asked to check into the legalities involved in sealing all or a portion of the <br /> I~nds in the 15th Street Ponding Basin, <br /> <br /> It was next determined that the Commission should delay action on the <br /> Xavier Kaiser proposal for construction of a motel on County 47 until <br /> the Vermillion River plans were stabilized, <br /> <br />The ~xteeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />Donald ,T. Fluegel, Secretary <br />Hastings planning Commission <br /> <br /> <br />