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Minutes of Hastings l~[annlng Commission <br />Meet/n§ Held Monda)~ Jul]f ~-?~ 1970 l~§e ~ <br /> <br />preferably on Saturday mornings. Kaiser further stated that ii the r~ver bed <br />is changed, the City will have the first opportunity to acquire it from the <br />corps of enginee~s~ but if the City does not buy it he would be interested in <br />bidding on it. lviro Kaiser said that committee consideration for up to 60 da]rs <br />would present ~o problem. <br /> <br />Motion blt F;ueEel~ seconded blt Soleim to refer the matter to a committee to <br />be selected by the Chairman, and to report back to the Planning Commission. <br />Motion un,~nimousllt carried. The Chair appointed Sieckert, Fischer and <br />Finegel ;o work on the committee. <br /> <br />Pete?sen: U, So Corps of Engineers has started Vermillion Flood Plain <br />Stud/based upon advice from the State Conservation Department. <br /> <br />D~vidson: Filing cabinents, etc. are on order for Planning Commission <br />~aateriais0 <br /> <br />Petersen: A letter has been received from Upper Midwest Research and <br />Development Council regarding R-1 and R-2 zoning. A letter was received <br />from Warren 1~. Eustia, Special Counsel for this firm. <br /> <br />l~etersen: Workshops next Friday, to be attended blt Petersen and Davidson <br />which will deal with grant procedures. <br /> <br />l~etersen: We will have a representative come to the September l~[anning <br />Commission meeting to speak on proposed recreational committee, <br /> <br />Zoning Map: Procedures were discussed for passage~ etc. <br /> <br />Street Lay-out Map: Davidson distributed a map of the Citlt Streets as <br />prepared by his o/rice, and also a map l~repared by the State Highway Depart- <br />ment showing collectors streets, etc. <br /> <br />H/ghway 61-55 and 15th Street Matter: Motion was made by Moen, seconded <br />by Sieckert, to revise the Highway 55-61 intersection and install the 15th <br />Street semi-four lights per state recommendation, and further t~rn Ramselt <br />and Tiller into one walt streets from Third to 18th Streets and furth~w upgrade <br />15th from Ashland to Tyler. Ayes - afl; nays - none. <br /> <br />Recreation Committee: It was stated that seven questionaires have been <br />received from the appiicants~ one of whom, Mr. Fasbender, indicated that <br />he probabtlt would not have time available to serve on the committee. <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance: 3o 9 and 7. 7. 1 utility lines, etc., and Industrial Parks, <br />were discussed. The City Engineer is to review these sections prior to the <br />next meeting and further request Mr..~ontag of the Hastings Industrial <br />Development Corporation to review the section oz~ Industria~ l~arks0 <br /> <br /> <br />