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Minutes of Hastings Plamfing Commission <br />Meeting held Monday~ June 29, 1970 <br /> <br />l~age 2o <br /> <br />hedges be amended as follows: <br /> <br />Add to the last paragraph: "Fences shall not be constructed.of <br />barbed wire, chain link with lmrbs up, or any other material that <br />proves dangerous or hazardous or has intentions of inflicking <br />ha~,~, to life and lirab. ]Electrical fences are not permitted <br />within the City of Hastings." <br /> <br />Section 5.5 should have a drawing to supplement the written words <br />in this paragraph. <br /> <br />The next item was a suggestion that the amended fence section of this ordinance <br />be furnished to Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward Companies so that their <br />fence contractors could comply to this ordinance as they erect fences wiehln <br />the City o£ Hastings. <br /> <br />The ne~t item of discussion was the Open Space Subcommittee. It was suggested <br />that the subcommittee consist of nine persons, It was suggested that they be <br />furnished a draft of the model by-laws. It was also suggested that they make up <br />a check list of interests for each person who had made application for this sub- <br />committee, The check list would consist of main items of interest in regard <br />to recreation and open space programs. <br /> <br />The Engineer reviewed the NYC - l~ational Youth Corp Program. He indicated <br />that l~r. Joe Mienover would be supervising the program and requested that if <br />the Pl~,~ing Commission had any City-wide project suggestions that they would <br />be considered for work by this work force. <br /> <br />Mr. Arland Siebrecht suggested that the City initiate a planting program that <br />could be coordinated with the horticulture program of the schools, that said <br />program should be initiated through the cooperation of lvir. Himango~ at the <br />High School. <br /> <br />We returned to the discussion of the Zon/ng Ordinance. The first item was <br />Section 3.7.4. 1. <br /> <br />Change '~barricaded" to "unbarricaded" and delete the fottowlng: <br />"lViore than three (3) feet deep." <br /> <br />Section I <br /> <br />Last line - "operated and maintained shall have a period of one (1)" <br />(This is not clear on the reprint of the Zoning Ordinance. ) <br /> <br />Section 3.7.4. 4. 6 <br /> <br />Delete the following: "in the amount of $10.00". Replace <br />with 'is required". <br /> <br /> <br />