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Minutes o£ Hastings Pla~,~ag Comrnissio~ <br />i~eeting held ~vionday~ June 29, 1970 <br /> <br />Page 3. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the City Zoning Map, It was suggested <br />that the City Engineer furnish Mr. Fischer with an updated urban map <br />showing all of the street systems which he would have prin~s prepared <br />from so ali street systems now platted or improved would he shown on <br />the urban n~,.p prior to completing our Zo,,t-g Map, It was also suggested <br />~h=t a City-wide street systems .map showing the thorough/ares, collector. <br />State and County highway~ be furnished the members o/the Placating <br />Commission. <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned to July 13, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. to be held at the <br />Citl~ Hall. <br /> <br />We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 <br /> <br />Approved by: Walter Petersen <br /> <br />John Davidson, City Engineer <br /> <br /> <br />