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Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission <br />Meeting held Monday, June Z2, 1970 <br /> <br />Page Z. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the proposed Mobile Home Park furnished <br />by Mr. Bill Pechacek. It was moved by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Moen <br />that the plan be approved by the Planning Commission and submitted to the <br />City Council for approval. Mr. Pechacek indicated the sewer and water plans <br />would be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The motion was unanimously <br />passed. <br /> <br />Next item discussed was the proposed Mobile Home Park comprehensive plan <br />submitted by Mr. Nell Siewert. The presentation was made by Mr. Harry S. <br />Johnson, indicating that there were 9. Z acres requested by the Corps of <br />Engineers for straightening the channel of the Vermillion River. There would <br />be ll.g acres outside of the channel that the Corps is asking for as a spoil <br />area, the total area property owned by Mr. Siewert is 39.5 acres. This <br />would leave about 19 acres, plus or minus, for development outside of the <br />flood plain and property acquisition for spoil bank. We went through Plan A <br />and Plan B. Plan A would contain 175 lots, entirely outside of the Corps of <br />Engineers construction limits. Plan B would allow for ZZ5 lots, using part <br />of the Corps of Engineers construction limits above the 100 year flood profile. <br />He indicated earth work studies had been made, using the Corps of Engineers <br />100 year flood plain profile and that there was enough material on the property <br />to stay above the 100 year flood plain and grade, a 5/10ths percent grade <br />from the river up to the south line of their property, which is the abandoned <br />railroad right-of-way in that area. After a slide presentation that conformed <br />pretty much to the report that was handed out to the Planning Commission of <br />the City Council, it was indicated that the subcommittee would have to digest <br />this information and Mr. Fischer's committee would report back at the next <br />regular Planning Commission Meeting. <br /> <br />The request for a shopping center in Valley Manor Addition was discussed. <br />The Engineer reported that at the last regular Council Meeting, the owners, <br />Hastings Industrial Development Corporation, withdrew the request for C-1 <br />zoning in this area and requested that consideration be given to C-1 zoning <br />for that area west of Westview Drive between Westview Drive and Pleasant <br />Drive, adjacent to T.H. 55 along the South Frontage Road. The Planning <br />Commission Chairman, Mr. Petersen, turned this over to Mr. Soleim's <br />committee, consisting of Mr. Soleim, Mr. Siebrecht and Mr. Bauer. It <br />was asked that the Engineer secure a layout from Mr. Gustafson for this <br />proposed new shopping center area and that copies of the letter of withdrawal <br />of the C-1 area and the petition for the rezoning be furnished the subcommittee. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the "Special Use Permit" for the Truax Store <br />on 4th Street west of Maple. There was an opinion for re-instatement since <br />the use was not conforming for the area and the original owner had gone out <br />of business in the past and anyone taking over this store would have to have <br />the '~Special Use Permit" granted on the same basis that previously had been <br /> <br /> <br />