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Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission <br />Meeting held Monday, June 22, 1970 <br /> <br />Page ]. <br /> <br />used for the warehouse on 5th Street and the Day School on McNamara Street, <br />whereby a petition from local residents within 300 feet would be submitted <br />to the Council. The Planning Commission recommended approval if the <br />petition is adequate and the City Council would then determine the acceptance <br />or rejection by petition. <br /> <br />The proposed fence ordinance as submitted by the Building Inspector, through <br />the Building and Zoning Committeee Chairman, Mr. Hallberg, was discussed. <br />It was suggested that possibly this fence ordinance be included in the Zoning <br />Ordinance, however it was suggested that the proposed ordinance be sent <br />out with the next meeting minutes for review by the Planning Commission, <br />before any determination is made since we do cover fences in Section 5.6 <br />of the proposed zoning ordinance. A_ny inclusions in this proposed ordinance <br />should be added to this section of the proposed zoning ordinance. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the Vermillion River Project. The Engineer <br />reported that he had met with the County Board and also the County Planning <br />Commission on two different] occasions and suggested that we would be <br />requesting in writing a formal review of the Vermillion River l~roject since <br />the County Board was included in the original request for the study. It was <br />also brought out, that until this Vermillion River Flood Project is studied, <br />no final decision can be made on the Mobile Home Park as presented by <br />Mr. Niel Siewert. <br /> <br />The next item was a suggestion that a move be made for the first reading <br />of the new zoning ordinance. This will be brought up by Mr. Hallbergat <br />the next regular Council Meeting. <br /> <br />There was a review of the Zoning Map. Each member of the Planning Commission <br />was furnished with a 1" = 800' scale drawing of the entire City so that a block <br />zoning map could be made by each member of the Planning Commission and all <br />the maps be brought together and consolidated into a single map at the next <br />Planning Commission Meeting. <br /> <br />Next it was suggested that the Park improvement schedule worked up by the <br />City Engineer and Superintendent of the Parks Department at the last regular <br />budget discussion, would be furnished to the subcommittee of the Planning <br />Commission in regard to parks and recreation facilities to give them an initial <br />start into their improvement program. Copies of this will be made available <br />to the Planning Commission Chairman for distribution to the Park and Recreation <br />s ubc o mmitt e e. <br /> <br />It was suggested that the Engineer furnish copies of the League of Municipalities <br />Legislation as proposed at the League of Municipalities Convention, that section <br />dealing with Planning be distributed to the members of the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 P.M. <br /> <br />John IDavidson, City Engineer <br /> <br /> <br />