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~ece~r 15~ 1965 <br /> <br />Ple~min8 Couminmiou <br />01ty si Hamtin~m <br />HamtinSs, tiim~eeoCa <br /> <br />Proposed Trailer Court <br /> <br />Gentlemen: <br /> <br /> The end~rsisned were appointed as a sub-c~lttee <br />Plemnin~ Couuismion to inquire i~to the proposed establishment of <br /> trailer court on East 8th Street of liastinSm, Minnesota. The <br />tollowin8 action was taken, and the tollovin~ c~elustons arrived at <br />by this sub-comities. <br /> <br /> The sub-committee, alons with Mr. Hflliam Pechecek, <br />proponent off the trailer court, and City Clerk, Wallace Erickeon, mt <br />et the site o~ Saturday, December 4th. A detailed discussion occurred <br />end t;hemtter was thorou~ly discussed vithMr, Pechacek. Since that <br />time the sub-committee has ~urCher looked into matters relatin~ to the <br />proposed trailer park, has discussed it with Hr. Davideon of Cite City <br />En~lneerins Department. The sub-co, salfree asain mt with Mr. Pechacek <br />on December 10, 196§ Co discuss the matter. <br /> <br /> The proposed trailer park location is imaedtately South <br />of East 8th Street and i~ediately East of the railroad tracks. The <br />Plannin~ C~nmiaeion has at its disposal a plat of the proper~isa. <br /> <br /> _TAXATION. The question of Csx reveoue from the project <br />~e discussed. I~ spears that the real estate and t~nprovmnents thereto <br />will be taxed as other real estate within the city. Hence the improvement <br />wo~ld increase the real estate ~ax revenue derived iron the property. It <br />is presently un~nproved property. The mobile h~a which viii be located <br />on the property will be required to pay a personal property tax. This Csx <br />is paid directly to the State o£ Minnesota in an amount determined on a <br />slidin~ scale based on the valuation off the respective units. The personal <br />property tax received by the State is dis~ributed as follows: 10% remains <br />with the State; 50% is ratutmed to the School ~istrict wherein the trailer <br />court ia located; 30'1 ~s returned to the Municipality wherein the trailer <br />court is located, and 10~ is returned to the Co~uty~herein the trailer <br />court ia located. The refamda to the respective nunicipal units are nade <br />o~ a senioSnaual basis. <br /> <br /> UTXLXTXKS. The miter of ucilitisa, bottivithin the park <br />itsel£, and leadin8 to it vas discum~ed in detail with ~. Pechacek and <br />Mr. IMvidaon. ~C appears that water could be obtained either iron the line <br /> <br /> <br />