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Two <br /> <br />rmmin~ alon~ loth Street or fr~n the l~xte at or near Bailey Street. <br />The eub-em~tttee ~akes ~o reaemae~lation with reference to which source <br />is u~ed as Xt would n~t appear to afhct the interest of the city. Mr. <br />Pechacek has indicated that he wuld) ii found ~o be feasible, plots the <br />eleetele, teleldu~e,~and po canmectbed under fgound. It is tho feelin~ <br />of the sub-countries that this would be very desirable and would enhance <br /> <br />heliuB o! the sub-eonmittne thc it should not be giants nandatory. <br /> <br /> l/~. t'echsaek had orisioally indica~ed t~at he v~ <br />plaeL~ a septic ~y~ ~ ~e area to se~e ~ a~a mill ~he s~er <br />line al~ the reeled ~c~ ~ ~talled. I~ ap~re ~t ~0 <br />e~ a~t ~ ~ral ~ ~ w ~r~ly ~ t~C Hr. <br />~ ~uired to c~ct in~ h city ,Mr r~ alo~ ~lley <br />Hr. avtdsn a~l.~ fur a~ star in .hqut. ~ ~ndle ~e pro~oed <br />i~reaoe. It would appar iht ~is w~ld req~re a ~p station a~ <br />~chcek lo ~an o~ this ~quirmnt a~ Is vlll~ to ~s~ll a ~p <br />oteti~ if required, to semite ~e eras. ~e qusst~n of surface drel~Se <br />vas also raised. Hz. ~t~cbt.k stated ~t he could nh no definite <br />statist at ~is tim wi~ re!stance to drai~se as ~ profile MM had <br />~ ~e~red. H~ver, we ~ecaived his assurance ~t no difficulty <br /> ~ia area ~a8 antici~ted and he w~Id rcaolve any q~otion ~leh vas raised. <br /> <br /> It should be brousht t~the attention o£ the planning <br />Coglaission that the State of Hinnesote prtecribes some rather 8cringnet <br />requirements which must be met by anyone operatins a trailer park. The <br />operator nmos receive an annual license frou the State Deparmont of Health. <br />The applicant~r the license must neet State requiresMnte dcalin~ with <br />disposal facilities, laundry facilities, water supply, waste disposal, fire <br />protection, lot size, domestic animal housins, etc. <br /> <br /> The question of the proposed playsrouud area as indicated <br />on the sketch provided by Hr. Pechacek was also discussed. It should be <br />noted that the park owner will retain title tO all of the real estate. The <br />lose are not sold to the persons occupyin~ the lots. Hence, the sketch is <br />not a "plat' ss ~he term is used in connection with the real estate develop- <br />neats. ~ccordtn81y, the ordinance requiring that a percentage of the area <br />be dedicated for park uses appeared inapplicable. Hoverer, we advised Hr. <br />Pechacek that we would t~list that areas equal to the area indicated on the <br />sketch as playground area would in fact have to be reserved for that use. <br />He mentioned that he misht wish to chaqe the location of tho playsround area <br />after typotraphic studies were mede, but he a0surred us that the indicated <br />mt of space would be reserved for that purpose. <br /> <br /> The matter of the increased traffic flow on adjacent streets <br />was discussed. It is noted that the area serving the trailer park will be <br />pri~cipally residential streets. However, it was not felt that the increased <br />traffic flo~ anticipated would present a problem oX substance. <br /> <br /> ~A~[HTEI~CE,. Nr. P~,chocek, as operator of the trailer <br />park, will assume ~u11 responsibility for nnintenaoce of the ar~a. This <br />includes neintenanee oX interior streets and utility lines. The city will <br />not be obligated to plow or repair the street within the park as this will <br />remain private property. The question of whether 8th Street east of the <br /> <br /> <br />