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r~ngr'$ Flanning Commission Meeting minutes <br />s~nt out with Mr. Fluegel's signature 2-6-70 <br /> <br />CITY OF HASTINGS <br /> Office of ENGINEER <br /> <br />MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> <br />HELD MONDAY, JANUARY Z6, 1970 <br /> <br />The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at the Hastings Public Library Meeting <br />Room. <br /> <br />Those present: <br /> <br />Chairman Wait Petersen, Mr. Orvin Moen, Mr. Don IIallberg, <br />Mr. Ed Fischer, Mr. Arland Siebrecht and Mr. Don Fluegel <br /> <br />Non-members present: Mr. and Mrs. Wallin and their son, Mr. Stute and Mr. <br /> Don IIess and City Engineer John Davidson. <br /> <br />The first item of discussion was the minutes of the last regular meeting. <br />(Attached is a re-write of Section 3.6 - Farming, as corrected by Mr. Fischer <br />and referred to in the first paragraph of the minutes of January 12, 1970. ) <br />The minutes were then approved as submitted. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was the testimony of Mr. Wallin, son of the owner <br />of that part of the East 1/2 of Section 32, Ti15N R17W, lying west of and adjacent <br />to the West Corporate Limits, south of 15th Street. Mr. Wallin was asked to appear <br />before the Planning Commission to give testimony in regard to the proposed T. II. 55 <br />by-pass which bisects his property diagonally and made the following comments. <br /> <br />In view of the fact that the proposed highway corridor bisects <br />the property diagonally resulting in splitting the property for <br />further farm use and possible future use in regard to a develop- <br />ment plan and in view of the fact the highway is too close to the <br />present corporate City Limits, restricting the boundaries of future <br />Hastings, he would urge the Planning Commission to move the <br />highway westerly from his property, and that the Planning Commission <br />would so advise the City Council, the State Highway Officials and <br />Edwards and Kelsey who are doing the comprehensive plan for the <br />proposed by-pass. <br /> <br />The property in question is about 300 acres in size outside of the present corporate <br />limits. They have sold ali of their property that is within the present corporate <br />limits. Mr. Wallin was thanked for his testimony in that the Planning Commission <br />and the City Council is formulating opinions at this time and are very interested in <br />testimony from those persons immediately affected by the by-pass system. <br />Mr. Wallin was advised that he would be notified of the next joint City - Township <br />Meetings at which time he would be invited again to attend said meetings. <br /> <br />The next item of discussion was a proposed comprehensive plan by Mr. Don Hess <br />representing Midwest Planners, the work being done for Mr. Leo Schumacher for <br />approximately a 320 acre parcel lying north of T. FI. 55, west of Farm Street, <br />south of 1st Street to the west Corporate Limits. Mr. Hess made a general review <br /> <br /> <br />