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Name Page count Volume name Template name
20230206 - CC Minutes[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
20230206 - CC Workshop Minutes[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
20230221 - CC Agenda[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
20230221 - CC Packet[Icon] 198 PUBLIC City Council B
IX-01‎(a,b)‎ 2023 Street Reconstruction Project[Icon] 10 PUBLIC City Council B
Proclamation MN Food Share 2023[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-01 Pay Bills as Audited[Icon] 65 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-02 Approve Temporary One-Day Gambling and One-Day Liquor Permit for Hastings Family Service[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-03 1st Reading - Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 33 - Criminal History Background Investigations[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-04 Accept Donation for 2023 Annual Safety Camp from Dakota Electric Association[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-05 Accept Donation for 2023 Rec+Art+Police Program from Country Financial[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-06 Accept Donation for Health and Wellness from the Hastings Fire Relief Association[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-07 Approve Plans & Authorize Advertisement for Bids - 2023 Mill & Overlay Program[Icon] 6 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-08 Approve 2023 Pavement Management Projects & Authorize South Metro Joint Powers Agreement[Icon] 7 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-09 Approve Final Payment – 2022 Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements ‎(Danner, Inc. $141,682.40)‎[Icon] 21 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-10 Appoint Arts and Culture Commissioners[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-11 Grant Contract Agreement with State of Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund ‎(Lake Rebecca Park)‎[Icon] 39 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-12 Declare Surplus Property and Authorize for Public Sale – Police Department[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-13 Approve Fire Department Submission of Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response ‎(SAFER)‎ Grant[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-14 Accept SMEAD Manufacturing Company Sponsorship for 2023 Performance in the Park[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-15 Strategic Initiatives Final Report, 2021 - 2023[Icon] 14 PUBLIC City Council B
X-C-01‎(a-d)‎ Home Occupation Renewals[Icon] 10 PUBLIC City Council B
X-E-01 Strategic Priorities[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
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