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<br />2005-2, ZWEBER LANE & OAK RIDGE DRIVE <br /> <br />IMPROVEMENTS <br />The proposed Zweber Lane & Oak Ridge Drive improvement project is a City initiated <br />project that will require the votes of six Council members to approve the project. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS <br />)0> STREET RECONSTRUCTION - Zweber Lane and Oak Ridge Drive are <br />proposed to be narrowed from their current 32 ft. width to 28 ft. wide streets. <br />There are 15 homes on Zweber Lane and 4 homes on Oak Ridge Drive. The <br />private drive on the east extension of Zweber Lane will be left as is. <br /> <br />)0> STORM SEWER - The existing Zweber Lane catch basins dump into a ditch <br />that runs between 1109 & 1117 Zweber Lane and discharges onto the <br />Hastings Country Club. The Street Department has removed sediment and <br />regraded the ditch end a number of times over the past 20 years, but flat <br />grades continue to pose a drainage problem. The proposed reconstruction <br />would pipe storm water to a new pond to be constructed on the Hastings <br />Country Club. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />SUMMARY OF ISSUES AND COMMENTS <br />As noted above, residents universally oppose the proposed construction of cul-de- <br />sac islands for Zweber Lane and Oak Ridge Drive. <br /> <br />HASTINGS COUNTRY CLUB DRAINAGE & OTHER ISSUES <br /> <br />The City has 4 storm sewer outfalls that dump storm water onto the <br />Country Club property on its west and north boundaries. The stOlID water is <br />intended to flow across the Country Club to reach the Louis Lane ponding basin <br />on the east side of the Country Club. Three of the outfalls have caused significant <br />problems for the Country Club: the Hilltop Lane 42" diameter outfall; the <br />Westview Drive 15" diameter outfall, and the Zweber Lane 18" diameter outfall. <br />Storm water is draining across fairways from these outfalls, creating wet areas <br />during the summer and ice areas in the early spring that kill the grass. <br />Representatives of the Country Club met with the Operations Committee <br />on March 9th to request City assistance with storm water improvements that <br />would channel the storm water from the City's storm sewer system around or <br />beneath fairways through a series of pipes on ponds to prevent the continuing <br />damage to the golf course. The Operations Committee unanimously agreed to <br />recommend funding storm sewer improvements on the Country Club propeliy to <br />be funded through the construction bonding as pali of the Dakota Hills project. <br />An outline of a cost sharing agreement was approved, under which the City would <br />fund pipe installation and pond excavation costs, with the Country Club <br />responsible for preparing plans and specifications and restoring areas disturbed by <br />construction. <br />