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PROPOSED 6TH & 7th STREETS <br /> STREET & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION <br /> INFORMATION SHEET <br /> February 17, 2000 Open House <br /> Reconstruction Area: Why These Streets? <br /> 6th Street from Bailey St. to the east This is a resident petitioned project. In <br /> 7ffi Street from Bailey St. to the east addition,the City wants to eliminate gravel <br /> Street Widths: roads, uncontrolled drainage and on-site <br /> Existing gravel will be graded and paved. sewer systems wherever possible <br /> Street width will be 28 ft. wide. The street Assessment Abatement: <br /> will be constructed with concrete curb with The City has applied for Federal <br /> Community Block Grant(CDBG)funds for <br /> gutter. assessment abatement. Qualifying low <br /> Storm Sewer: income households would have their entire <br /> Storm sewer will be constructed as part of assessment funded by these CDBG funds. <br /> this project with catchbasins and outlet on Any funds remaining after meeting low <br /> 6`h Street and a spillway on 7t' Street. income households assessment needs will <br /> Sanitary Sewer & Watermain: be divided evenly among qualifying <br /> Sanitary sewer and watermain lines and moderate income households. <br /> services will be constructed as part of this Comments: <br /> project on 7h Street only. These services We need your comments and any <br /> exist already on 6" Street. additional information you feel would be <br /> helpful in preparing the design. This will <br /> Proposed Project Schedule help assure the most accurate design and <br /> March 20 Council holds public hearing cost estimating <br /> to determine if project should Typical Assessments: <br /> be built. We have completed enough of the design <br /> May 2000 Begin construction process to properly estimate the assessments <br /> Oct. 2000 Complete construction for these improvements. Based on the <br /> Fall 2001 Assessment Hearing preliminary design we project assessments <br /> Assessment Information• for a 70' wide lot as follows: <br /> Assessments are spread over a 10 year Street at$70.96/FF: $4,967 <br /> period and are collected by Dakota County Sewer,Water,Services: $6,000 (7th)* <br /> with your property tax. If the Council Total Assessment: $4,967 (6`h) <br /> proceeds with construction of this project, Total Assessment: $10,967 (Th) <br /> the first assessment payment would be due <br /> with your 2002 property tax payment. *The City has imposed a $6,000 limit <br /> Interest is charge against the remaining although the costs for the new sewer main, <br /> balance of your assessment. The interest watermain and utility services greatly <br /> rate is determined by the interest rate the exceeds the limit. The utilities will be <br /> City is charged for the bonds that are sold constructed to the property line. <br /> to finance the construction. <br /> M:\FEASBLTY\?o00Vmeetinfo2.wpd <br />