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20231204 - CC Minutes[Icon] 4 PUBLIC City Council B
20231218 - CC Agenda[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
20231218 - CC Packet[Icon] 168 PUBLIC City Council B
IX-01 Authorize Signature - Professional Services Agreement with WSB LLC for the PFAS WTPs & Interconnect Project[Icon] 13 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-01 Pay Bills as Audited[Icon] 13 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-02 Accept Donation to the Hastings Fire Department from Glen & Linda McNamara[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-03 Accept Donation to the Parks & Recreation Department from the Mishkee and Sigfridson Families[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-04 Approve ATV Permit Application for Chase Brown[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-05 Approve Massage Therapist Renewals[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-06 Approve Commercial Waste Hauler Renewals[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-07 Reappoint Public Safety Advisory Commissioners Gary Stevens, Theresa Auge`, Mary Nehring, and E. John Gunter[Icon] 2 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-08 Reappoint Parks and Recreation Commissioner Craig Santelman[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-09 Reappoint HEDRA Commissioner Ben Anderson[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-10 Reappoint Planning Commissioners Gino Messina, Chris Teiken, Bryce LeBrun, and Melissa McGrath[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-11 Appoint Planning Commissioner Rachel Swedin[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-12 Reappoint Heritage Preservation Commissioners Cindy Toppin, Maggie McCoy, and Mark Borchardt[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-13 Reappoint Arts & Culture Commissioners Barb Hollenbeck and Steven Read[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-14 Reappoint Charter Commissioners Connie Blasing, Delores Pemble, Josh Salzman, and Mary Weber[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-15 1st Amendment - Agreement for Professional Services - Dunn Solutions[Icon] 5 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-16 1st Amendment to Purchase Agreement - Northern State Services LLC - ‎(Spiral and Glendale)‎[Icon] 10 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-17 1st Reading - Ordinance Amendment - City Code Chapters 110.20 and 115 - Mobile Food Units[Icon] 7 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-18 ‎(a,b)‎ 2nd Reading - Adopt Ordinance - Cannabis and Hemp[Icon] 6 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-19 Approve 2024 - 2025 Labor Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. ‎(LELS)‎ Local No. 249 ‎(Police Officers)‎[Icon] 27 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-20 2024 Committee Meeting Schedule[Icon] 3 PUBLIC City Council B
VIII-21 2024 Commission Meeting Schedule[Icon] 1 PUBLIC City Council B
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